
| 12 commenti

"For he, himself, has said it,
and it’s greatly to his credit
that he is an englishman
– that he is an englishman –

For he might have been a russian
a french, or turk or prussian
or perhaps italian
– or perhaps italian –

But in spite of all temptations
to belong to other nations
he remains an englishman
– he remains an englishman -"

Gilbert & Sullivan – HMS Pinafore

L’abito da pomeriggio, lana scura d’inverno, il cilindro, lino color crema d’estate, il panama. I giornali della sera, la pipa, la fischetta del whisky. Il Grand Tour, scomodo, obbligatorio. Il club, il biliardo, il tabacco importato dalle colonie. La partita a whist, il Porto dopo pranzo, la caccia. Per il Re, per Dio e per l’Impero. Snob, impacciato, arguto, rigido, educato, riservato. Gentiluomo ottocentesco. Englishman. 


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